County Attorney's Office
County Attorney’s Office
Business Hours: Monday – Friday | 8:00am-4:30pm | Subject to Cass County Holidays

County Attorney:
Vanessa Strazdas
Assistant to County Attorney/Crime Victim Coordinator:
Bev Groves
Delinquent Fine Coordinator:
Eva Jensen
Office Liaison: Steph Witzman
Cass County Courthouse
5 West 7th Street
Atlantic, IA 50022
(712) 243-4504
fax: (712) 243-5736
The Cass County Attorney’s Office offers a payment plan to assist in the payment of delinquent fines. Participating in the payment plan may allow you to reinstate your driver’s license, register a motor vehicle and or renew your license plates.
Contact Eva Jensen for more details.
Complete Payment Plan Application.
Iowa created the County Attorney as an elected position in 1846.
The primary responsibility of the County Attorney’s office is criminal prosecution.
The prosecutor in ways is the heart of the Criminal Justice system. Except for Simple Misdemeanors, all charging decisions rest with the prosecutor.
No jury or court can convict a person of a serious crime without a prosecutor first determining that pursuing a criminal charge will serve the interest of justice. Therefore, the County Attorney’s daily challenge is to deal appropriately with the people involved in the Criminal Justice System.
The County Attorney DOES:
- Prosecute all violations of state criminal laws and county ordinances.
- Provide legal advice to the Board of Supervisors and county and township officers concerning county matters.
- Represent and defend the state, county and its officers in officially related cases.
- Recover all monies (debts, fines, penalties, etc.) owing to the state or county.
- Present all mental health commitment proceedings all juvenile matters for the County.
- There are both full-time and part-time County Attorneys in Iowa. Roughly two-thirds of all County Attorneys are part-time and may handle private legal work in addition to their official duties.
Your County Attorney in their official capacity, DOES NOT:
- Give legal advice to or represent private groups or persons.
- File lawsuits for private persons or defend them against lawsuits, including actions for dissolution of marriage.
- Prepare wills, deeds or other legal documents for private individuals.
Downloadable Forms
Downloadable forms used in the County Attorney’s office