Conservation Office
Conservation Office
Business Hours: Monday – Friday | 8:00am to 4:30pm
Executive Director:
Micah Lee
Employees in Conservation Office:
Interpretive Naturalist: Lora Kanning
Park Superintendent: Ryan Lockwood
Cold Springs Camping Survey:
Cass County Conservation Naturalist Programs:
Cass County Field Trips:
Cass County Conservation
57744 Lewis Road
Lewis, Iowa 51544
(712) 769-2372
fax. (712) 769-2392
The Cass County Conservation Board was established in 1958 as the county resource agency with the authority to acquire lands specifically for recreation and conservation. Each member of the board is appointed by the Cass County Board of Supervisors and is appointed for five-year terms. The Cass County Conservation Board is dedicated to wildlife habitat development, management and preservation. These goals are reached by purchasing land for wildlife, by improving habitat quality and by providing educational programs for the citizens of the county. The Conservation Board currently meets the Third Thursday of every month at 4:30pm at Cold Springs Park, in Lewis, IA.
The Conservation Board currently has 14 areas under its management agreements including three parks, Cold Springs, Hitchcock Recreational Area, and Pellett Memorial Woods. These areas provide county residents with a diversity of outdoor activities including; camping, picnicking, swimming, fossil digging, fishing, hunting, and nature study.
Downloadable Forms
Downloadable forms used in the Conservation Office’s office.
Parks / Wildlife Information
Cass County Conservation Quarterly Newsletters
- Winter2425
- Fall2024
- Summer2024
- Spring2024
- Winter2324
- Fall2023Combined
- Summer2023
- spring2023Combined
- Winter2223
- Fall2022
- Summer2022
- Spring2022Combined
- Winter2122
- Fall2021_2
- Summer2021
- Spring21Combined
- Winter2021
- Fall2020
- Summer 2020 Conservation Quarterly
- Conservation Quarterly Spring 2020
- Winter 2020 Conservation Quarterly
- Conservation Quarterly Fall 2019
- Conservation Quarterly Summer 2019
- Spring 2019 Conservation Quarterly
- Winter 18-19 Conservation Quarterly
- Fall 2018 Conservation Quarterly
- Summer 2018 Conservation Quarterly
- 2018 Spring Conservation Quarterly
- Winter 17-18 Conservation Quarterly
- 2017 Fall Conservation Quarterly
- 2017 Summer Conservation Quarterly
- 2017 Spring Conservation Quarterly
- Winter 16-17 Conservation Quarterly Newsletter
Programs Available from Cass County Conservation
Teacher Newsletters
- JanTeacher25
- novTeacher24
- octTeacher24
- AugSeptTeacher24
- AprTeacher24
- MarchTeacher24
- FebTeacher24
- JanTeacher24
- DecTeacher23
- novTeacher23
- octTeacher23
- AugSeptTeacher23
- AprTeacher23
- MarchTeacher23
- FebTeacher23
- JanTeacher23
- DecTeacher22
- novTeacher22
- AugSeptTeacher22
- AprTeacher22
- FebTeacher22
- JanTeacher22
- DecTeacher21
- novTeacher21
- octTeacher21
- AugSeptTeacher21
- AprTeacher21
- March 2021 Teacher
- Feb 2021 Teacher
- JanTeacher21
- novTeacher20
- octTeacher20
- Aug/Sept 2020 Teacher Newsletter
- March 2020 Teacher Newsletter
- February 2020 Teacher Newsletter
- January 2020 Teacher Newsletter
- Nov 2019 Teacher Newsletter
- Teacher Newsletter Oct 2019
- Teacher Newsletter Aug/Sept 2019
- Archive
- April 19 Teacher Newsletter
- March 19 Teacher Newsletter
- Feb 2019 Teacher Newsletter
- January 19 Teacher Newsletter
- December 18 Teacher Newsletter
- November 18 Teacher Newsletter
- October 2018 Teacher Newsletter
- Aug/Sept 2018 Teacher Newsletter
IAN Joe Halbur Scholarship
Director: Micah Lee
Micah earned his undergraduate degree from Simpson College in Environmental Science. He has worked for the IA DNR for the past 6 years as a Wildlife Technician. Originally from Massena, he is excited to work back in his home County!
Naturalist: Lora Kanning
Lora graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, and began duties with the Cass County Conservation Board as a Naturalist since October 2007. Naturalists provide environmental education programs to citizens of their county.
Park Superintendent: Ryan Lockwood
Ryan is a graduate of Northwest Missouri State and began duties with the Cass County Conservation Board in May of 2006.
Conservation Office’s Links
Cass County Conservation Job Opportunities
Cass County Conservation Quarterly Newsletters Archives
- Fall 2016 Conservation Quarterly
- Summer 2016 Newsletter
- Spring 2016 Conservation Newsletter
- 2015-2016 Winter Conservation Quarterly
- Fall 2015 Conservation Quarterly
- Summer 2015
- Spring 2015
- Winter 2014 - 2015
- Fall 2014
- Summer 2014
- Spring 2014
- Winter 2013 - 2014
- Fall 2013
- Summer 2013
- Spring 2013
- Winter 2013
- Fall 2012
- Summer 2012
- Spring 2012
- Winter 2011/2012
Past years- Programs Available from Cass County Conservation
- MsHs2122
- ProgramK52122
- JuniorKdg21
- preschool21
- MS/HS Program List 20-21
- K-5th grade Program List 20-21
- Jr. Kdg Programs 20-21
- Preschool Programs 20-21
- Jr. Kdg Programs 2018
- Preschool 2018 Programs
- MS/HS Programs 2018
- K-5th grade Programs 2018
- MS/HS Program List 17/18
- K-5th grade Program List 17/18
- Jr. Kdg Program List 17/18
- Preschool Program List 17/18
- MS/HS Program List 16/17
- K-5th Program List 16/17
- Jr. Kdg. Program List 16/17
- Preschool 16/17 Program List